Resources for Āyurveda Seekers
I remember when I started to really get into studying Ayurveda and started discovering the teachers like Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Robert Svoboda and Dr. Claudia Welsh. My mind was blowing up and I wanted to grasp at anything that came my way. Luckily I was situated in good company and was guided to learned teachers, what we say in Ayurveda as authorities. As Āyurveda becomes more and more popular in the West, and in Australia (a little later the the US) it is vital to know where to source quality information.
An authority can be defined in a variety of ways but to me that means teachers who have experience, show reverence to the Ayurvidya, acknowledge the indigenous roots of Ayurveda and practice within both scope and local guidelines.
I have listed for you a number of resources based on either personal interaction or affiliation of my teachers.
Recipe Books: